Friday, June 8, 2012

Trend spotting

A few months ago, Dylan Ratigan was broadcasting from San Jose, CA. He was kicking off his 30 million jobs tour. This particular day, he had found his way into the offices of Chegg

During his broadcast, he focused on bringing technology to education, and leveraging technology to spot trends- both "hot" trends as well as "cold" trends. The trend information actually lies in the data behind what the user is actually seeing. 

For example, the Khan Academy provides an excellent opportunity to amplify or reinforce what's being taught in the classroom, but perhaps even more important is allows us to monitor where the needs are greatest. Both in terms of using the service to provide additional resource (what topic needs additional support) as well insight in to where (geographically) things are breaking down. 

For Classroom2Classroom, beyond providing a platform for teachers to buy and sell bundles of books, it allows us to understand where resources are plentiful and sit idly by and where there is demand for these resources. 

Since reading is such a fundamental part of being a productive citizen, our goal will be to leverage our trending knowledge to share with the community so that we can facility a flow of resources and help improve our schools.

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